Education at Desert Chapel Christian School integrates Christian living and academic pursuits in an endeavor to develop the whole child. The programs are substantive, comprehensive, and varied with emphasis on basic skills, providing a solid foundation for learning. In addition, critical thinking, decision-making, and a love of learning are nurtured. Our goal is to provide a stimulating environment conducive to achieving maximum potential for each student.
Welcome to Desert Chapel Christian School! We are humbled and honored that you are considering our school for the academic and spiritual needs of your child. We know there are other options available, so when you choose to entrust your child(ren) into our care we take every step to assure that your child has a quality education experience. As we enter the 2023 - 2024 school year, we are now taking enrollments for our new Transitional Kindergarten class at Desert Chapel Christian School. We are excited to see what this new class has in store for us and, most importantly, your child(ren)'s education as we now get a head start in preparing the Christian leaders of tomorrow today.
Now offering more to our Valley's Christian Education...
We understand that the enrollment of our student is dependent upon the results of an academic, financial and behavioral review.
The Academic Review is review of the assessment test results, and for elementary students includes the most recent report card.
The Behavioral Review includes personal recommendations, attendance, tardiness, disciplinary referrals, suspensions, classroom attitudes, Christian character, moral values and influences that the student has upon others.
The Financial Review includes ability to fulfill school fees, stewardship, and any benevolence that might be made available.
Application Review Process
Student is four-years-old effective June 1.
Student is potty-trained.
Student is able to verbally communicate needs and wants.
Student is able to verbally respond to simple questions and directions.
Requirements for Enrollment to Transitional Kindergarten

At Desert Chapel Christian School we have the privilege of providing an excellent education to your children. As a Christian school, we have the added benefit of being able to include God in all we do.
Our curriculum is focused on building a strong foundation in phonics, reading, writing, and arithmetic. Our standards and goals at each grade level meet and exceed currently established standards in California. We take advantage of the benefits of modern technology, but we also remain committed to the best practices of strong, traditional approaches to education.
We provide a well-rounded, Christ centered education for our students. At each grade level, students are challenged academically to “do better than they did yesterday” and reach their full potential. They are spiritually encouraged to grow in faith and love for Jesus Christ as their personal savior.
Our teachers are committed to excellence in education. They plan, implement, review, and revise constantly -- always looking for the best in the kids, and for the kids. We believe education should be purposeful, challenging, and enjoyable.
Our classes use A Beka Curriculum along with Bob Jones University.
At the Kindergarten level, our students are studying the A Beka Curriculum along with some supplementation from Bob Jones Curriculum.

First grade focuses on the study of math, language, reading with a handbook, science based on God's creation, History, and Bible with take home Bible stories.
First Grade
Second grade focuses on several areas of study including Mathematics, Reading, Spelling, English, Earth Science, American History, and Bible. Mathematics focuses on basic concepts including adding with carrying, subtracting with borrowing, multiplying and division, basic geometry, fractions, measurements, time and temperature. Reading curriculum consists of focus on chapter book reading such as Little House in the Big Woods and Charlotte’s Web. In English we focus on the ability to write and punctuate short stories and poems, identify the parts of speech, capitalization, punctuation, abbreviations, and singular/plurals. Bible study is focused on character teaching and the life of Moses.
Second Grade
Third Grade
Third grade is a transitional year where students start to be graded on a regular A - F scale in preparation for the upper elementary grades. We focus on increasing reading comprehension and timed exercises, as well as the study of American History. Writing becomes an important part of the English curriculum, as well as Spelling. In Science we cover all aspects of God's creation. Reading comprehension, growth in phonics skills, and timed reading exercises increase reading skills. Bible focuses on helping students develop a Christian worldview. Students are taught about the meaning of baptism and are given the opportunity to participate in baptism in the Spring. History focuses on a chronological approach to American history, which helps students remember important dates and events, as well as gives them the right kind of heroes and valuable models of good character. Students also study the states and locations. Language focuses on capitalization; punctuation; correct sentences; proper word usage; using synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms; and recognizing nouns and verbs are emphasized. Dictionary skills, journal entries, and creative writing skills are also developed.
In Math, students focus on multiplication and division; story problems up to four steps; Roman numerals; averaging numbers; standard measures; equations; and adding, subtracting, and reducing fractions. An abundance of review problems is provided as well as supplementary problems to be used in a variety of ways to meet individual needs. Science covers the most special part of God’s creation, man, third graders learn about the human body, with an emphasis on the sense organs and how they work. Students then explore the world of plants, and later, the world of animals, becoming familiar with invertebrates and vertebrates and how to classify them. In spelling, we have a weekly spelling test and related activities, a glossary of vocabulary words, and selected poetry.
Fourth Grade
In fourth grade, we study Arithmetic, Science, California History, Bible, English, Reading, Spelling and Handwriting. As part of our History, we do a mission project, wherein we build missions, write a paper and present them in a special Chapel time.
Fifth Grade
In fifth grade, our subjects include Bible, Math, Reading, Grammar, Spelling, History (focused on American history and the 50 States), and Science. Once per week, students enjoy Physical Education, Music, and Chapel. Students also participate in the highly effective Accelerated Reading program.
Our desire at Desert Chapel Christian School is to create students who are lifelong learners and future leaders. Our strong, academic curriculum is infused with Biblical principles to help mold and shape our young learners. We use a combination of Christian and traditional-school curriculums in order to give our students the best academic advantage.
Academic success is important here at DCCS! Twice a year we honor our students’ academic success with a school-wide awards assembly. In the office, our students’ pictures are displayed for their honor roll achievements.
A strong parent-school commitment is necessary for student success. We look forward to partnering with you to promote a positive academic atmosphere for your child. We welcome you to partner with us as we educate and train up your child.
This course includes both an intense study of language and reading & literature elements. Language covers review of sentence types and structure, grammar, and several different forms of writing. In addition the reading/literature portion covers a selection of stories, poems, and essays of high interest are grouped by theme to encourage students' critical thinking. A variety of authors and genres are represented. In addition to teaching literary terms, the students' ability to respond biblically to literature is developed.
Seventh Grade

Middle School Electives
Study of the history of the world from 1100 A.D. through the present.
Life Science includes the characteristics of living things and necessities of life.
This course focuses on United States history from founding to present. Special projects include compilation of a President’s notebook and review of current events.
This course is designed to prepare students for high school by becoming more proficient in writing, grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension and all styles of writing exercises.
This class continues learning of math concepts from 6th & 7th grade and focuses on the in depth study of algebra. The course objectives include: (1) to continue practice with arithmetic skills (2) to establish fundamental principles of algebra (3) to apply algebra skills to problem solving strategies Topics included are algebraic operations, rules of exponents, solving & graphing linear equations, inequalities and quadratics, solving systems of equations, parallel and perpendicular lines, functions and relations, and application problems.
Eighth Grade
Physical Science focuses on the introduction to matter, scientific models and methods, energy, and the atom.
Exposure to a wide variety of art media at an introductory level, with special emphasis on ceramics and color theory.
This course is designed to foster growth in “wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man” (Luke 2:52). Activities are designed to teach students the basic skills used in many sports while conditioning their bodies to be stronger. In addition they will learn to function in groups and individually to achieve goals.
Students work to understand the basics of theater. They practice pantomime techniques and explore the world of improvisation. In addition, they read plays and develop characters. Each class is afforded the opportunity to present at least one small play, or skit, as well as work to design and develop props and sets for use in their productions. Additional exploration involves basic study of staging and blocking, along with carefully designed theater games of improvisation and teamwork.
Introduction to typing and/or Microsoft Office skills. Students learn the proper form and placement needed to type with fluency and speed. This course also teaches students basic formatting and functions within Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
Introduction to the Spanish language including a look at Spanish speaking countries.
The Sixth Grade is now a building block and MS-preparation grade at Desert Chapel. Sixth grade introduces the responsibility and freedoms of being on our integrated Middle and High School campus whilst also preparing our students for the academic challenges in which Middle school introduces.
Sixth Grade
Our desire at Desert Chapel Christian School is to create students who are lifelong learners and future leaders. Our strong, academic curriculum is infused with Biblical principles to help mold and shape our young learners. We use a combination of Christian and traditional-school curriculums in order to give our students the best academic advantage.
Academic success is important here at DCCS! Twice a year we honor our students’ academic success with a school-wide awards assembly. In the office, our students’ pictures are displayed for their honor roll achievements.
A strong parent-school commitment is necessary for student success. We look forward to partnering with you to promote a positive academic atmosphere for your child. We welcome you to partner with us as we educate and train up your child.
Advanced Placement

A small team comprised of musicians, technicians, and singers who meet to prepare music and presentations for Wednesday Chapel for the entire student body. Much of their time and energies are relegated to choosing effective music, videos, etc. and rehearsing the team in preparation for the Friday assembly.
Our biblical studies are intended to encourage our high school students to become acquainted with the Bible and it’s truths in a non-threatening educational environment. We seek to help them to explore and think about the Bible as the inspired Word of God and to help them find ways to apply what they learn to everyday life.
Christian Expression
This course will address six important literary elements: character, theme, structure, conflict, moral tone, and point of view. These elements will be explored through the reading of various short stories, novels, and plays that range from the classics to the contemporary. In addition, students will become more grounded in grammar, vocabulary and writing.
This course is based on the Mathematics Contents Standards for Public Schools. The course objectives include: (1) to apply and reinforce algebra skills (2) to establish fundamental geometric relationships with a variety of figures (3) to apply logic and the concept of proof to understanding geometric relationships and theorems (4) to apply geometric skills to problem solving strategies. Topics include basic concepts of geometry, constructions, geometric proofs, perimeter, area and volume of two- and three-dimensional figures, trigonometric functions, special triangles, and coordinate geometry.
This course provides a study of early to current American Literature, in short story and novel form, as a foundation for developing better skills in reading, writing, and comprehension. Students will also develop skills in vocabulary, grammar, and discussion.
While this course is based on the Mathematics Contents Standards for Public Schools, we do not use Common Core standards . The course objective is to emphasize critical thinking and problem solving through frequent application of the more advanced algebraic skills. Topics include functions, variations and graphs, linear functions, matrices, systems, quadratic functions, powers, inverses and radicals, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometry, polynomials, quadratic relations, introduction to conic sections, and rational expressions and equations.
This is an integrated course consisting of (1) Writing/Grammar and (2) Literature. It is designed to ensure that students will learn to become critical thinkers, readers and writers with emphasis being given to analytical readings and composition. The themes found in literary pieces will be studied from a Christian perspective with contemporary reflections. Students will become stronger readers and writers of the English language as they communicate through oral expression and presentations as well as through written expression.
This course provides a study of early to current American Literature, in short story and novel form, as a foundation for developing better skills in reading, writing, and comprehension. Students will also develop skills in vocabulary, grammar, and discussion.
This course is specifically designed for students who successfully completed Algebra 2 and are highly motivated. We will cover trigonometry, logarithms, polar coordinates and vectors, characteristics of graphs of functions, use of radian and degree measure, analytical geometry (including conic sections), upper-level algebraic concepts, the concept of a limit, and an introduction to calculus. The Precalculus Saxon book provides for long-term practice with fundamental concepts and skills of Precalculus mathematics, and its use will produce a significant increase in the number of students who succeed in calculus, physics, and chemistry either in high school or in college.
This is an algebra and trigonometry-based course intended to fully prepare the student for success in a college level general or Engineering Physics course. The topics developed in the course are kinematics; dynamic forces; work and energy; static geometric and wave optics; modern physics.
Students will apply their understanding of the scientific method to all areas of their course work. The course utilizes 25-30 hours of lab work.
Lab work develops the topics covered in class with focus on: basic lab safety, techniques, materials and equipment; correct practices in measurement, documentation, record keeping, and correct style in writing the lab report. Problem solving and analytical thinking are utilized as a fundamental part of the course.
This includes application of mathematics as a fundamental problem solving tool of physics, application of physics as a fundamental problem solving tool of engineering, analyzing laboratory data, interpretation of lab results, graphing and mathematical modeling.
This is a course in introductory chemistry. The topics developed in the course are chemistry and matter, matter and energy in reactions, matter and its structure, matter and its phases, reaction processes, acids and bases. Problem solving is a major element in the study of chemistry. This course utilizes 25-30 hours of lab work. Laboratory work covers each major class topic with emphasis on: basic lab safety, techniques, materials and equipment; application of learned concepts to real world and laboratory applications; correct practices in measurement, documentation, record keeping, and correct style in writing the lab report.
Biology is the study of living organisms. Students are taught the differences and similarities of life. Students gain an understanding of God’s nature through the wonder of his creation. The structure and function of the cell is emphasized throughout the course. Major areas of study are genetics, botany, zoology, and human biology. Theories of evolution are taught alongside Creationism. Students need to understand the way this subject is presented in a secular environment. Lab work is intended to reinforce topics covered in the classroom and to prepare the students for inquiry-based lab work in future science classes.
This course covers the entire scope of the History of the United States, from European exploration to the present day. Together, we will examine the people and events that have shaped our country. We will discover exactly why and how God's Providence has made us the nation we are today.
This course extensively delves into the History of the World, from Creation to the present day. This class concentrates on the people, events, trends, and ideas that comprise the history of mankind and civilization. With a strong emphasis on dynamic, defining moments in our world's history, topics are diverse and interesting. From art and religion, to war and science, this class creates a foundation from which the student may successfully approach subsequent courses like U.S. History and Civics.
This course is designed as a survey through a regional approach of both geographic principles and every country of the world. Following the theme of a Grand Tour, students study from continent to continent cultures, landforms, climates, resources, economy, religions, and governments.
Social Studies
Like our Geography/Ancient Civilizations course, this class is two integrated classes into on year. The Civics semester is designed to be an overview of the workings of the national government. It includes the historical formation of the government, the processes of governing, and the biblical view of the need for government. Students will stay abreast of current events while learning about government processes and integrating a biblical worldview in the decision-making process. The goal of the course is to produce young Christian adults who become productive and involved citizens.
Economics includes an overview of macroeconomics and microeconomics. This allows students to develop the framework for understanding economic decisions on a national scale while integrating a Biblical worldview in the evaluation process.
In addition, students will become familiar with personal finance and budgeting techniques integrated with Biblical values in the “science of choice.” This course will help students make informed decisions that range from how they vote to how they spend their money. Also includes portions of Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace high school program.
This course is an activity class designed to promote physical growth and conditioning. The purpose is to accommodate the physical education goals of a broad range of students from the athlete that may need specific skill development to the non-athlete that may need to meet the high school physical education requirements. Activities will range from various sports to conditioning activities, and will be individualized to meet the needs of each student.
ASB focuses on actively doing projects and activities for the DCHS community. Students will be expected to exercise leadership through organizing dances, spirit days, lunch activities, pep rallies, and similar events.
In addition, recognizing, developing, and refining the personal characteristics needed to be an effective Christian leader. Our goal is for students to have a working understanding of leadership principles and characteristics that they can apply to their own personal development.
High School Electives
This course will provide students with exposure to a wide variety of art mediums at an introductory level. They will explore line and form in black and white mediums and then translate those same concepts to color mediums. They will also work with three-dimensional mediums. They will observe works of historical artists, but mainly learn by doing.
This course is an introduction to the study of the Spanish language and its culture. Equal emphasis is given to aural/oral skills, reading, writing, vocabulary and grammar. This beginning course seeks to give the student the foundation of vocabulary and grammatical structures in order to understand and read basic instructions and short elementary stories, as well as write short paragraphs on familiar topics, and speak about, and ask questions about, elementary themes.
This course is taken as an elective for high school students. Teacher will assist students with homework and works with them to establish good study habits. Also, students taking online courses use this class to complete course work.
A continuation of Spanish I, this course is taught in the target language. Students continue to develop cultural sensitivity while furthering their communication skills. The students work towards developing the ability to understand Spanish spoken at a normal speed and to be able to speak and respond with increased fluency. Compositions and projects are varied and more complex as more vocabulary, grammatical structures and verb conjugations are added to the foundation begun in Spanish I.
This course allows students to discuss, examine and evaluate the events that are taking place globally, at the state level and locally. The major goal of the class is to have students understand and appreciate the importance of the events that are taking place in their lives. The local newspaper, television broadcasts and the internet are used to inform students of current issues and affairs. Students are asked to make a number of written responses to facilitate class discussions. This course is student-centered and requires regular attendance and active participation.
This course involves students in the design, creation and layout of the high school yearbook. Students take control of the entire process, from photography to graphic design and layout.